Thursday, September 17, 2009

September 17, 2009

I keep forgetting to post on this dang thing. Guess I will figure it all out one day.. *sigh*

We are going to look at a new Day care today. Actually, it is the same company, Kindercare, just a location that is much closer to the new house, and it will also bus Elias to his elementary school in 2 years. We have really liked the company, which is why we are deciding to stay, it's just that our particular center has two new teachers and we don't really care for them. Actually, one of them I flat out dislike. So, off to a new center.

I just wonder how Elias is going to react to a new school and how he will make new friends. His best buddy has been at the same center with him since he started. It is going to be hard to walk away from that. BUT, on the other hand I have to realize that I want my children in an environment where they are loved and nurtured, not just taught. BAH!!! Parenting is NOT easy!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

August 3

Well - here I went a month without posting. Life seems to be getting away from me these days. Between working full time and going home to be a full time mommy and wife, I don't seem to get much "me time". I'm not quite sure why I Thought being a grown up would be so much fun.... There are days, many actually, I look at my children and wish my life could revolve around snack time, nap time and playing with the dog. Then reality sets in and I think... Hell no, I don't want to go through all of that... AGAIN....

OK - enough of a pity party for me.

Elias turned 3 a couple weeks ago. He had a party at school, and we had cake and ice cream at home. He received a new tricycle from Mommy, Daddy and Abby, as well as Hungry, Hungry Hippos, some cars and a new puzzle. Grammy, Pappy and Aunt Beth's family sent him his very own digital camera and case. He LOVES being a photographer.

Thankfully, Scott's job is now more secure. Mine isn't going anywhere..literally and figuratively... so it is life as normal for the Masten clan....

That's about all for now.

Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6, 2009

Hi Y'All!!

Well, I decided to start a blog for the Masten Family in Virginia, so we can keep everyone up to date and "in the know" with what is going on with our family.

We currently made a new addition to our family. Robyn (aka Robbie) joined us on June 28th. They say she is part Border Collie and part Brittany Spaniel. We say she is an excellent addition. She is wonderful with the kids, very patient and kind. she loves to give big doggie kisses which Elias loves and Abby is trying to figure out.

Elias turns three next weekend. I Cannot believe how fast the time has flown by. He is precocious, like every other almost three year old. As the saying goes... When he is good, he is very, very good, and when he is bad... he is AWFUL". But I love him just the same.

Abigail is just over 1 year old. She is trucking around after big brother, trying to keep up. She has a Yankee streak in her, though. A tough little cookie with a whole lot of love... a look that will put you in your place.

I guess that is about all for now.