Monday, August 3, 2009

August 3

Well - here I went a month without posting. Life seems to be getting away from me these days. Between working full time and going home to be a full time mommy and wife, I don't seem to get much "me time". I'm not quite sure why I Thought being a grown up would be so much fun.... There are days, many actually, I look at my children and wish my life could revolve around snack time, nap time and playing with the dog. Then reality sets in and I think... Hell no, I don't want to go through all of that... AGAIN....

OK - enough of a pity party for me.

Elias turned 3 a couple weeks ago. He had a party at school, and we had cake and ice cream at home. He received a new tricycle from Mommy, Daddy and Abby, as well as Hungry, Hungry Hippos, some cars and a new puzzle. Grammy, Pappy and Aunt Beth's family sent him his very own digital camera and case. He LOVES being a photographer.

Thankfully, Scott's job is now more secure. Mine isn't going anywhere..literally and figuratively... so it is life as normal for the Masten clan....

That's about all for now.